
Pinal County Attorney's Office-Victim Services (Florence, Arizona)

Description: Unpaid

Victim Services provides notification to crime victims of case status and criminal justice proceedings. We educate victims on their rights, provide information on community resources, assist with orders of protection, read victim impact statements in court, assist with restitution paperwork, and attend court hearings with victims to lend comfort and support.

General statement of job functions:

  • Updating victim information, events, and services in our records management system 
  • Assisting with community outreach events 
  • Making contact with victims to notify them of court hearings
  • Assisting victim advocates at court proceedings
  • Assisting in the  preparation  of  grant reports

Internship Available

  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Spring


Students should apply 3 months in advance of the term for which they desire an internship.

Purpose of Internship

The internship is designed to provide students with exposure to the workings of the criminal justice system. Students work closely with victim advocates and prosecutors to ensure that victims' rights are being protected.

Agency Qualifications (minimum)

Consistent with UA qualifications: (2.0 GPA, sophomore status or above, at least one semester at UA)

How to Apply

Send an e-mail to Jesus Pacheco indicating an interest in the internship program. You will be forwarded a Volunteer Information Form to complete and send back.


Pinal County Attorney's Office-Victim Services
Jesus Pacheco:  jesus.pacheco@pinal.gov

University of Arizona
Laureana Jones (Internship Coordinator): laureanajones@arizona.edu



Sponsor Organization
Pinal County Attorney's Office-Victim Services