
Arizona Attorney General's Office

Description: Unpaid

The Attorney General serves as the chief legal officer of the State. The Attorney General is mandated by our constitution and elected to a four-year term by the people of Arizona.

The Attorney General's Office represents and provides legal advice to most State agencies; enforces consumer protection and civil rights laws; and prosecutes criminals charged with complex financial crimes and certain conspiracies involving illegal drugs. In addition, all appeals statewide from felony convictions are handled by this Office.

The Arizona Attorney General’s Office, through the Child and Family Protection Division, provides legal services to all the divisions of the Department of Economic Security (DES), including the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS). It also provides legal services to the Department of Child Safety.

The Attorney General’s Office brings and defends lawsuits on behalf of the State and prepares formal legal opinions requested by State officers, legislators, or county attorneys on issues of law.

The Attorney General’s Office has jurisdiction over Arizona's Consumer Fraud Act, white collar crime, organized crime, public corruption, environmental laws, civil rights laws, and crimes committed in more than one county. Additionally, this Office prosecutes cases normally handled by county attorneys when they have a conflict.

  • Special Investigations (SIS)
  • Office of Victim Services Section (OVS)
  • Community Outreach and Education (CMO)

Internship Available

  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Spring


Please visit for current opportunities and deadline information. Check periodically for openings. 

Purpose of Internship

The Arizona Attorney General's Office offers exciting, educational, and productive undergraduate internships in Legal divisions within the agency.

Agency Qualifications (minimum)

Applicants need at least a 2.75 G.P.A. and must be 18 years or older.

Pass a security background check.


Arizona Attorney General's Office
Arizona Attorney General's Office: OVSTucAdmin@azag.gov

University of Arizona
Laureana Jones (Internship Coordinator): laureanajones@arizona.edu



Sponsor Organization
Arizona Attorney General’s Office